Black Box Thinking In Ecommerce

I have just finished the book ‘Black Box Thinking’ by Matthew Syed An employee sent it to me as he thought I’d like it. I did, and it sums up a lot of my thoughts around why some ecommerce sites do or don’t grow. The book is about failure and how we often conceal failure […]

Latest killer marketing technique is for growing

People always ask me what the latest killer marketing technique is for growing their ecommerce business. ​ What app should they be using, what social proof device is hot etc. ​ But in the hunt for the new and shiny many of these store owners forget to do the simple stuff ​ Why? ​ Because […]

If Warren Buffett Owned A Shop

If Warren Buffett Owned A Shop Warren Buffett’s biography ‘The Snowball’ shows that small beginnings can become huge. He started with a paper round and became the richest man in the world. It wasn’t all plain sailing. He bought Berkshire Hathaway which was a failing textile business and it was by his own admission a […]