Black Box Thinking In Ecommerce
I have just finished the book ‘Black Box Thinking’ by Matthew Syed An employee sent it to me as he thought I’d like it. I did, and it sums up a lot of my thoughts around why some ecommerce sites do or don’t grow. The book is about failure and how we often conceal failure […]
Latest killer marketing technique is for growing
People always ask me what the latest killer marketing technique is for growing their ecommerce business. What app should they be using, what social proof device is hot etc. But in the hunt for the new and shiny many of these store owners forget to do the simple stuff Why? Because […]
If Warren Buffett Owned A Shop

If Warren Buffett Owned A Shop Warren Buffett’s biography ‘The Snowball’ shows that small beginnings can become huge. He started with a paper round and became the richest man in the world. It wasn’t all plain sailing. He bought Berkshire Hathaway which was a failing textile business and it was by his own admission a […]