Sun Tzu: “Every battle is won before it’s ever fought.”

Sun Tzu: “Every battle is won before it’s ever fought.”

If you want to scale your Google Shopping Sales this quote is apt.

Once you are in the Google Adwords interface most of the battle is already fought.

What’s key is the product feed and the products in that feed.

Google will push the best products and the ones that get the most click through.

Most agencies spend 95% of their time in the Adwords interface and 5% of the time looking at the feed.

This is like owning a physical retail store and only spending 5% of time sourcing and choosing products and 95% of the time moving products around the shop.

If the product feed is poor, the product landing page un-optimized and the ‘convincability’ of the value proposition weak, then no matter what amazing structure you have in your Google Adwords account – results are going to be bad.

Our job as marketers is to work with Google to give it what it wants, so our focus should be on

Product feed title optimisation, making sure that the keywords are in the product titles in the feed most often in a different format than the product page. There are specific best practice product titles for the feed for clothing, B2B and other shop types

Imagery, choosing the right image for the feed is key as everything lives and dies on the image. What images get the best click through and this will reduce your cost per click

What promotions are competitors running, what promotions give the best profit

Custom variables – Google is hungry for data and its Artificial Intelligence is becoming amazing. But it needs good data. If we put in review scores, bestseller status and stock levels into the feed as information then Google’s AI can start learning more about how this affects sales.

Review sculpting, making sure that the products we have the most potential for impressions have the best reviews. This can be done by highlighting key products and following up one those for reviews and making sure these orders have the best customer experience.

Let’s win the battle before it’s begun have a watch of our case study video –

Thanks again!

Mark (Preparation) Hammersley

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Hammersley Brothers

Ian and I have been working at the coal face of Ecommerce for 15 years and have recently started to mentor and teach others how to grow Ecommerce revenue.

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