E-commerce: Growing Your Ecommerce Email List

In this week’s podcast, Ian and Mark discuss the importance of email capture for ecommerce. How to grow your list, fast and increase your sign up rates.


P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways Ian and I can help you grow your ecommerce business:


1. Grab a copy of our book
It’s the roadmap to recruiting new customers, driving repeat business, and scaling your ecommerce business. — Click Here https://book.hammersleybrothers.com


2. Join the Ultimate Guide To Ecommerce group and connect with ecommerce owners who are scaling too
It’s our new Facebook community where smart ecommerce owners learn to get more income, impact, and independence. — Click Here https://www.facebook.com/groups/924567391291786


3. Join our Coaching Programs and get growing.
If you’re looking to accelerate: we are working with a few ecommerce owners to help them scale.  – Click Here https://member.hammersleybrothers.com/podcast

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Hammersley Brothers

Ian and I have been working at the coal face of Ecommerce for 15 years and have recently started to mentor and teach others how to grow Ecommerce revenue.

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