Behind the Brand: Unpacking Grenade’s Online Strategy

Join Ian Hammersley and Cameron Goldie as they break down the steps Grenade took to boost their online business. They chat about the smart choices and new ideas that helped Grenade grow fast online. Learn how they used smart marketing, built strong relationships with customers, and used data to make great decisions. If you’re into business, or marketing, or just want to hear a success story, this talk has plenty of useful tips on growing a brand online.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways Ian and I can help you grow your ecommerce business:



1. Talk to us. Book a call with us and let’s talk about accelerating your growth –


2. Grab a copy of our book –

3. Join the Ultimate Guide To Ecommerce Facebook group and connect with e-commerce owners who are scaling too –

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Picture of Hammersley Brothers

Hammersley Brothers

Ian and I have been working at the coal face of Ecommerce for 15 years and have recently started to mentor and teach others how to grow Ecommerce revenue.

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