Latest killer marketing technique is for growing

People always ask me what the latest killer marketing technique is for growing their ecommerce business.

What app should they be using, what social proof device is hot etc.

But in the hunt for the new and shiny many of these store owners forget to do the simple stuff


Because it’s boring, repetitive

For example, using a service like mouseflow and watching people’s interactions with the website is almost never done well.

They might get the service installed, but then when they see thousands of recordings they watch a few and then get distracted.

But what we need in our ecommerce businesses are not one-off reviews, but monthly habits and systems to look for issues in these types of activities.

A friend of mine who runs a multimillion annual revenue store has this process right.

First, he finds something he wants to do – i.e. check mouseflow recordings with a focus on the checkout or basket page.

Sets himself a weekly or daily task.

Works out a process for highlighting issues or niggles.

Creates a place to post these and get the developers to look at it.

Then once he is happy with the process he templates the process into a habit.

He delegates the task to his Filipino team by creating a process that includes:

Checklist of recordings that should be looked at each day

Bug template to fill out to highlight the recording number and issue so a developer can review

To do list area where issues can be posted

Review process to make sure bugs are being fixed

Once this β€˜habit’ is in place he moves onto the next task knowing that he has set a business system in place that’s going to happen every day.

Therefore, the simple boring stuff gets done and is systemised so that when he meets me for lunch he can implement to cool new shiny stuff knowing that the simple is done and looked after.

Watch our case study on Google Shopping success to spot the systems you need to create –Β

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Picture of Hammersley Brothers

Hammersley Brothers

Ian and I have been working at the coal face of Ecommerce for 15 years and have recently started to mentor and teach others how to grow Ecommerce revenue.

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