The Winter Olympics is a big deal for the athletes.

The Winter Olympics is a big deal for the athletes.

It only happens once every four years and even then some events are over in a second

Four years of preparation and a bad landing or windy conditions and it’s all over

In ecommerce we too have our Olympic days, think of Black Friday, the run up the Christmas and even Valentine’s Day for some.

It can be over before its begun and the sales during these key days affects the results of the whole year.

But we have an advantage

Unlike an athlete who must choose one strategy, we have wiggle room to choose a few

When a big day starts we don’t know the exact messaging, offer or imagery that’s going to ignite the buyers this year – so we sample and split test.

For email we can split test the first 5000 on the list with two different offers, work out what’s working and then send to the rest of the list.

The same with the other marketing channels, Adwords can be split tested at the start of the day, find the winner and run with that.

SEO – we can work out what images on the landing pages get the most engagement and run with them.

But we must do the prep

Just like the athletes we must be to ready with a clear plan for the team to do the tests, make the decisions and triumph.

If you don’t sample early traffic on big days or big emails, then it’s hard to pat yourself on the back at the end of the day. You just don’t know how much money you just left on the table.

Watch our case study video

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Picture of Hammersley Brothers

Hammersley Brothers

Ian and I have been working at the coal face of Ecommerce for 15 years and have recently started to mentor and teach others how to grow Ecommerce revenue.

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