Why You Shouldn’t Expand Your Ecommerce Store

Why You Shouldn’t Expand Your Ecommerce Store

This sounds counterintuitive and of course sometimes it does make sense to add more products


Let me tell you a story about the journey of one online store that went huge by reducing the products they sold

This retailer sold women’s clothing, fashion items and some beauty products. It was a collection of what the store owner liked.

All in all, it was the store that they wanted to buy from themselves.

It did ok, but it was not great.

Over time she wanted to get serious

It became less about buying whatever she liked, and she was more focused on what would scale.

She looked at what she sold, her returns policy and her positioning

There was a lot going on in the store

She noticed that her competitors offered free returns and free shipping

But she couldn’t do that because some of her items where big and expensive to post

It seemed like a non-starter, but in that business was a huge business

She got rid of the big items and focused on the low weight low postage cost items

Relaunched with a focus around specific hair accessories

Put in place free returns and free delivery

Focused the Facebook page on how to use these products

Created a community around just these items

And went from doing revenue that was a little part time business to multiple millions of revenues each year.

Sometimes LESS is so much MORE

Are you trying to do too much? Watch my case study video http://go.markhammersley.co/get-started/

Thanks again!

Mark (Focus) Hammersley

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Hammersley Brothers

Ian and I have been working at the coal face of Ecommerce for 15 years and have recently started to mentor and teach others how to grow Ecommerce revenue.

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